Is it possible to keep a raven at home and is it able to talk?
Is it possible to keep a raven at home and is it able to talk?

Raven (Corvus corax) is a large representative of the passerine order.
Body length: 60-70 cm. Males are larger than females.
Wingspan: 120-150 cm
Weight: 800-2000 g
Beak: massive, large, sharp, black.
Tail: Wedge-shaped, especially noticeable when the raven soars above the ground.
Paws: black.
Plumage: elongated at the throat.
Coloring: black, uniform throughout the body - both males and females. Young ravens have matte black plumage. In adult birds, black feathers acquire a beautiful shine: a metallic tint - blue and violet (above) and greenish (below).
Life expectancy: up to 23 years, but most often live less.



How to remove fleas from a dog and is it possible to prevent their further appearance?
How to remove fleas from a dog and is it possible to prevent their further appearance?

How can you tell if your dog has fleas?

Grooming dogs and cats: who needs hair care procedures?
Grooming dogs and cats: who needs hair care procedures?

When it comes to animal grooming, we certainly think of cutting a dog or cat. However, there is much more included in this concept. Grooming is caring not only for the fur, but also for the eyes, ears, teeth, and other parts of the body of our pets. Of course, these include haircuts – hygienic ones or for participation in exhibitions. For some dog breeds, a groomer is a specialist who cares for animals and also uses trimming - plucking hair.

Caring for a pregnant cat: how to prepare your pet for the big day?
Caring for a pregnant cat: how to prepare your pet for the big day?

Your furry pet will soon become the mother of little kittens. How to support your cat during pregnancy? A loving and caring owner needs to know exactly how to create the most comfortable conditions for the expectant mother.

Unleashing Wellness: A Comprehensive Review of the Best Food for Dogs
Unleashing Wellness: A Comprehensive Review of the Best Food for Dogs

Choosing the right food for your furry companion is a vital aspect of responsible pet ownership. With a myriad of options available, it's crucial to navigate the pet food market thoughtfully. In this comprehensive review, we delve into the characteristics that define the best dog food, considering nutritional value, ingredient quality, and the specific needs of different breeds.

Serpent Suppers: A Comprehensive Review of the Best Snake Foods
Serpent Suppers: A Comprehensive Review of the Best Snake Foods

Choosing the right food for your snake is a vital aspect of responsible reptile care. With a variety of options available, discerning the best snake food involves considering factors like nutritional content, prey type, and the species-specific dietary needs of snakes. This article provides an in-depth review of top-rated snake foods, spotlighting brands that prioritize snake health through high-quality ingredients and balanced nutrition.

Gastronomic Elegance for Majestic Predators: A Review of the Best Food for Tigers
Gastronomic Elegance for Majestic Predators: A Review of the Best Food for Tigers

Ensuring the optimal nutrition of captive tigers is a critical aspect of responsible animal care. Tigers, as majestic predators, require a diet that mirrors their natural hunting habits and supports their physical well-being. In this comprehensive review, we explore top-rated tiger foods, emphasizing nutritional excellence, ethical sourcing, and a commitment to the health of these magnificent creatures.

Feline Feast: A Comprehensive Review of the Best Cat Food
Feline Feast: A Comprehensive Review of the Best Cat Food

Choosing the right cat food is a pivotal aspect of ensuring your feline friend's health and well-being. With a plethora of options available, discerning the best cat food involves considering factors like nutritional content, ingredient quality, and the unique dietary needs of different cats. This comprehensive review explores top-rated cat foods, highlighting brands that prioritize feline health through high-quality ingredients and balanced nutrition.

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