Caring for a Pet Snake


In recent years, domestic snakes have become popular pets, winning the hearts of exotic lovers. From tiny snakes to large boa constrictors, these cold-blooded creatures require attention and care. Caring for them is a fun activity and responsibility that helps create a comfortable environment for this unusual family member. In the article we will talk about the maintenance of these reptiles.


There are many types of snakes that can live at home. Each type has its own characteristics, let’s consider the most popular representatives:
Ball pythons

Ball pythons, or ball boas, are a common type of pet snake. Small size is one of the main characteristics of ball pythons. The average adult length is between 90 and 120 cm, making them a good choice for those who cannot afford a large terrarium at home.

Ball pythons are known for their coloration with a variety of color morphs. Their scales have a variety of patterns and shades, which makes each individual truly unique.

Ball pythons are usually calm, they tolerate human interaction well and adapt to their environment.
Royal pythons

Royal pythons, or king snakes, are incredibly beautiful and popular as pets. The name “royal” corresponds to their attractiveness and nobility.

A notable feature of king snakes is their amazing variety of colors. Their skin can have a wide variety of patterns and colors, including shades of beige, brown, black, and white. This palette creates unique combinations.

King snakes are small in size, making them suitable for keeping indoors. Depending on the subspecies, the adult grows to a length of 90 cm to 1.5 m.

These representatives of reptiles have a friendly and peaceful character. They often show interest in the world around them and easily get used to regular communication with people.
Red tail snakes

The distinctive feature of red-tailed snakes, or red-tailed brown vipers, is their scales in a palette of shades of brown, orange and red. Individuals are of medium size, their length is from one and a half to two meters. They are known for their calm nature, which makes them suitable for interacting with their owners. This species often becomes accustomed to regular sessions of manual interaction and is easy to care for.

Cobras are venomous and dangerous pets, so owning a cobra comes with a lot of responsibility and is recommended for experienced breeders.

Cobras have an impressive appearance: an elongated body, an elongated neck and characteristic “glasses” on the back of the head. Colors can vary from earthy tones to bright and contrasting colors, adding mystery and appeal.

Keeping cobras requires knowledge and experience in handling venomous snakes. Temperature and humidity parameters in the terrarium must be strictly controlled, and safety measures are also necessary for the owner and others.

The choice of a specific species depends on the owner’s experience, his interests and willingness to provide the necessary conditions for maintenance.
How to choose a pet

Here are a few key steps to help your pet:

     Research the information. Read the descriptions of different types of snakes and their characteristics. Each species has differences in care, character, and size. Consider your experience. Some types are suitable for beginners, while others require experience and knowledge.
     Consider size and needs. Think about the size of snake you are comfortable with so that placement of the terrarium is not difficult. Study the needs for nutrition, temperature, humidity, lighting.
     Evaluate your character and activity. Different snakes have different personalities. Some are calm and suitable for hands-on interaction, others may be more shy.
     Check your health. If you are purchasing a snake, pay attention to its general condition. A healthy individual should have bright, clear eyes, scales without bulges, and normal breathing. If possible, obtain information about the pet's previous care and medical history.

If you have questions, please contact an experienced breeder or veterinarian
Character and habits

Character and habits vary depending on the species, individual characteristics, and conditions of detention. But there are common behavioral traits:

     Calm. Many pet snakes have a calm, unflappable nature. They may spend most of their time in hiding, especially during the day.
     Activity at night. Pets are usually active at night. They may come out of hiding, hunt, or be more active in the dark.
     Getting used to your hands. Some species become well accustomed to interacting with the owner. This is especially true for friendlier representatives—royal pythons and ball boas.
     Feeding behavior. Before feeding, snakes usually become more active, begin to explore the terrarium, and may become more aggressive.
     Shedding. Pets shed periodically, getting rid of old skin. During this time, they may become less active and prefer secluded areas.

ita territory. Snakes defend their territory by being aggressive towards intruders.

Each individual is unique, interacting with it may require patience and attention. Gradual taming, proper training and care contribute to the formation of a healthy and comfortable relationship with your pet.
Caring for a pet snake - photo 2
How to choose and arrange a terrarium


Choosing and arranging a terrarium is an important stage that affects the health and comfort of the pet. Here are recommendations for selecting and arranging a terrarium.
Selection of terrarium

     Size. Consider the size of your pet when choosing a terrarium. He should have enough space to move and stretch his body. The length of the terrarium must be at least twice the length of the body.
     Materials. Optimal materials are glass or transparent plastic. Pay attention to ventilation. The terrarium should be well ventilated to avoid moisture accumulation.
     Safety. Provide secure lids and latches to prevent your pet from escaping and moving uncontrollably around the house.

Arrangement of the terrarium

     Temperature and light. Install a heating element to maintain optimal temperature. Use lamps for lighting to create a day and night light cycle.
     Shelters. Place shelters in the terrarium where you can hide. It could be half a log, a stone, or bark. Make sure the shelters are strong enough to prevent your pet from being crushed.
     Priming. Buy suitable soil depending on the type of reptile. Some prefer sand, others prefer peat mixtures or a specialized substrate.
     Decor. Add branches, rocks and plants. This will create a natural environment and stimulate the snake to be active.
     Thermometers and hygrometers. Install thermometers and hygrometers to monitor temperature and humidity.
     Water. Place a bowl of water in the terrarium. Renew the water regularly. Make sure the bowl is wide enough and stable enough to prevent it from tipping over.

Before purchasing a terrarium, check the requirements of a particular reptile species, as care needs may vary.
What and how to feed snakes

Food choice affects your pet's health. We provide general feeding recommendations, but we recommend discussing nutrition with the breeder or veterinarian. 
Determining the power type

     Predators. Most snakes are carnivores, eating rodents, birds or other small animals.
     Carnivores. Some species, such as boa constrictors, can only eat meat. 
Feed selection

     Rodents. Mice and rats are the main food. Choose the size of the rodent in accordance with the size of the snake - it will be difficult for it to swallow and digest prey that is too large.
     Bird. Sometimes chicks, chickens or other birds can be used. When introducing new foods into your diet, it is important to monitor for digestive problems or other negative reactions. 

     Maintain variety. Provide a variety of foods to enrich the diet and prevent nutritional deficiencies.
     Don't feed too often. Frequent feeding can lead to obesity, so maintain a regular feeding schedule in accordance with the age and activity of your pet. 
Feed preparation

     Defrosting. If you use frozen rodents, thaw them in the refrigerator to avoid loss of nutrients.
     Preparation. Food can be sprinkled with vitamins or dripped with honey to improve digestion. 
Feeding technique

     Do not disturb your pet after eating. After eating, the reptile needs time to digest. Try not to disturb him during this time.
     Consider the size of the food. Rodents must be of a size that can be safely consumed.
     To attract attention. If a predator does not respond to stationary food, you can gently move it to attract your pet's attention and awaken the hunting instinct.


For the comfort of the reptile, use suitable bedding, for example, peat mixtures, sand or paper. Keep the terrarium clean by removing waste and changing the bedding.

If the snake is willing to be handled, spend time with it to strengthen your relationship. Be careful, especially with poisonous species, and pay attention to safety rules.

Observe your pet's behavior, appetite, and appearance. In case of noticeable changes or signs of illness (nasal discharge, constantly open mouth, refusal to eat, changes in the color and consistency of feces, vomiting, peeling and discoloration of scales, the appearance of tumors on the body, decreased activity, loss of orientation), contact a veterinarian specializing in on exotic animals. 
Veterinary supervision

Veterinary supervision plays a key role in maintaining health and preventing possible diseases. Visit your veterinarian regularly or have one come to your home, especially when you first get your pet, and for annual checkups. Your doctor may do a test to determine

I potential problems and give recommendations for care.

Contact your veterinarian to evaluate the condition of the mouth and teeth, skin, scales and eyes, especially if infection or parasites are suspected.

Regular visits to your veterinarian for snake treatment and close observation will prevent many diseases or detect them in their early stages, facilitating successful treatment and maintaining your pet's overall health.

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