No more "bad dog"


Before blaming your dog for bad habits, think about the way you
interact with her. Teaching your pet good manners starts with a smart strategy.
training. But at the same time, many make certain mistakes. Let's consider the most
common ones.

Mistake: calling a dog by name to scold, punish or make him unpleasant

For example, you call a dog, and when it comes, it is without any greeting or praise
you start brushing its teeth, ears, cutting its nails, etc. Or you call the dog when it
plays with the ball, but instead of praising the pet for dropping everything and coming up, silently
put on the collar, grab the leash and go home. Therefore, it should not be surprising that
Next time the dog will think about whether to approach you or not.

Make it a habit to greet and praise your dog when he comes to you on command. You
you can pet her, give her a tasty bite, or offer her a game, such as throwing a ball.
It is recommended to alternate actions so that the dog does not know what will happen this time - praise,
treat or game. During walks, periodically call your pet, reward and
send them back with the words “Go and play!” In this case, the command “Come to me!” will not
associated with the end of the fun.

Mistake: Moving away when the dog pulls on the leash or allowing yourself to be pulled along with it

This teaches the dog that tension on a tight leash is acceptable and normal.
To remedy the situation, take your dog for a walk with a “clicker” - a small device that
makes a clicking sound, and dog treats. After the dog walks next to you on a leash
as expected, even if just a few steps, treat her to something tasty. The delicacy is
for the pet a powerful reward for the work done, and the clicking sound of the clicker
marks good behavior in the dog's mind.

When your dog starts to pull on the leash, just stop and don't move until he stops.
on his way or won't turn around to see what happened. Continue this process until
until the dog gets used to it and gradually wean it off treats and frequent clicking. But because
that in the fresh air a dog has many distractions, use a clicker
and treats will have to be given for several weeks, and only then begin weaning.

Mistake: Chasing a dog that grabbed something it shouldn't have

By catching up with a pet who has grabbed something, you increase the likelihood of repeating this behavior.
he will commit the offense again and again, because dogs love to play. Better get down on
squat down to the dog's level and call him. When the dog approaches, show him the treat and
command: “Fu!” or “Drop it!” As soon as your four-legged friend throws the grabbed item, reward
his treat.

If a dog runs away from you, then do not chase it - you are unlikely to catch it, but it will enjoy
chase and take it as a fun game. Try to get attention instead
pet, and then run away from it. In this case, the dog will switch from running away from you to chasing you.
by you, which will make it easier to calmly control her when she catches up with you.

Mistake: Paying attention to a jumping dog

A dog that jumps and puts its front paws on its legs or shoulders will jump until
until she receives attention, even if it involves shouting and swearing. It's better just
Move away from the jumping dog without saying a word or looking into its eyes. Later, when the pet
calms down, repeat the command “Sit!” with him. Despite the fact that many dogs are emotionally
in an excited state they do not pay attention to verbal commands, most of them still
notice body language.


the dog chewed the sofa.jpg

Mistake: Allowing your dog to chew on old objects

If you let your dog chew on an old towel or flip flop, don't blame him when he messes it up.
your new towel or slippers. The animal simply cannot understand the difference. Never
allow your pet to chew anything that could be mistaken for something you don't want,
for him to ruin it. Limit your four-legged friend to products made specifically for him, in
including bones and toys.

However, there are situations when the owner pays attention to the dog, raises it correctly,
nothing helps. In this case, think about whether any factors are affecting your pet’s behavior.
extraneous factors.

It could be:
- Negative experiences in the past. A dog's poor learning ability is often the result of previous mistakes in training. Such a dog will not have to be trained, but retrained, which may require much more effort, so be patient and be prepared for this.

- Diseases. Due to health problems, the pet may become aggressive. If the dog is in pain, unpleasant or ill, then it is quite logical that he does not listen, gets angry and behaves inappropriately. To rule out this factor, take your dog to the veterinarian.

- Poor socialization. Sometimes the pet and the owner are together

t behaves well, but when he finds himself in a crowded place, he ceases to obey. In such a situation, introduce him to his surroundings gradually, take him everywhere with you and walk more often.

To summarize, it is worth noting that it is possible to retrain a dog. But it is not always possible to do this on your own, so in some cases you will have to seek help from a professional: an animal psychologist or a dog handler. The owner requires love, affection, patience and perseverance.

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